Thursday, October 30, 2008


two words: Goal ball. What is it? An olympic sport. How many are on a team? Three. How do you score? Get the ball across the back line. What is the ultimate object? Score more than the other team. How do you stop the other team from scoring? By have a perfectly executed defense. How is it different from other sports? You can't see. And no, I did not make a mistake.... Goal Ball is a paralympic sport for people who are blind. In order to make it fair, each player is blindfolded (because some people are legally blind without glasses but can still see images). In my class, the players were blindfolded, and tried to play this game. For people who rely a lot on sight, taking it away and making us use our other senses was quite funny. The ball has a bell in it and you have to try to listen for it and stop it. It was just way entertaining to watch. I am amazed at the people who actually play this sport for the paralympics. Here is a video so you can get a better idea about what I am talking about. You don't have to watch the whole thing...I didn't.

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