Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I don't know what it is....but it just don't fit

There is a song that I really like. I can't really tell you why cause it isn't the style/band that I usually like. When I first heard it, I didn't like it. I thought it was lame. In fact, I made fun of it. But now I just like it and the more I listen to it, the more I like it. It is "Paranoid" by the Jonas Brothers. I know right...weird. I kinda feel like a high school freshman again admitting that I like this song. I'm actually thinking about doing a music video to this....the planning is in process. Who Knew?

Warning: If you decide that you don't like this song, don't listen to it ever again. It will grow on you!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Here are my favorite memories of the wasatch back relay! (in no particular order)

-Having sweet T-Shirts
-Giving Jamie a piggy back ride after I was done running!
-Beat boxing...if you can call it that...CHA
-The Christmas lights on the top of the car
-Finishing my 3rd leg of the race
-RAGNAR! Burninating the Countryside
-Getting beef jerky spilled all over my pants
-Neil stabbing those who sat in front of him with the headrest
-having six bags of beef jerky...
-getting free chapstick from team shaka laka
-Having Alli as bike support at night
-The BYU Cross country runner's UBER PERFECT legs..i wish he would've slowed down after he passed me..that's all I have to say
- Passing people (our team passed 81 people total even counting the people who passed us as negatives)
-Aunt Mary being late on our "team on three" cheer everytime
-Singing one line from pocahontas over and over (Savages Savages...)
-Laughing in the back on the way home
-playing with the binoculars with Alli
-Doing the "We're all in this together dance" for Jamie as she ran by
-Riding in the canyon without seatbelts...we were feeling on the wild side
-Playing scum and watching Taylor do his victory laps around the volunteer tent
-sleeping on top of a seat that was folded down and trying to hold myself up around corners
-Kami running pretty much 7 minute miles during her second was amazing
-Going to explore a "private property" and deciding not to because "guard dogs were on duty"
-having a hard time putting on the very flattering reflective vest...and then having to help taylor put on the vest
-Aunt Sue bringing enough treats for our van and every other van in the race!!! YUMMO!!!
-Covering my face with one hand and fighting taylor with the other
-Getting home and sleeping in my own bed for 12 hours!!

The relay was way fun! I hope those of you who ran will blog about your own memories! I'll be doing it again in 2 years!! WOOT!

Team on 3...2...3...TEAM!

Friday, June 5, 2009

So So Funny

Well since everyone else is posting videos from youtube, I want to!!! This is one of the funniest things I have seen in an uber long time! I'm definitely going to try it one day! The more you watch it, the funnier it gets.