Thursday, June 26, 2008


Pretty much my summers consist of working and baseball games. The other night, me, Jamie, and Alli were at another Hyrum Hornets game. A foul ball was hit over the left fence and usually there is a swarm of kids that run to that ball like flies on a cow pie but this time there were zero. So I said "I'll get it." I ran over and got the ball. I decided to make a triumphant return and was saying "Yes! I got it," and I leaped and threw my arms up in the air. When I got by the players dugout, number 21 (I don't know his name) was there and I tossed the ball to him. Jamie or Alli said to ask for an otter pop, so I asked, "Now do I get an otter pop?" And he said, "Do you want one?" And of course I said yes. He asked me what flavor I wanted and I said pink (because pink is a flavor) and then he cut the top off for me and flashed me a way cute smile. I tried to get a foul ball at the game tonight but I was beat by a little boy. I made sure to tell him to get a piece of candy though. It was great!


  1. #21 huh? I am so impressed with your smooth pink flavor. You are such a guy magnet.

  2. I LOVE BASEBALL!!! We will have to find out his real name...

  3. Ha! That was so funny about that #21 guy..joe...I told jamie about it and we were dying of laughter. Apparently he isn't very good.
