Usually at least once every couple days, I get a call from Jaxon and Carson. Usually it's Jaxon. He just likes to talk about Mario Kart. Today I got a call and I talked to Jaxon for a while and Carson for a little bit. Jaxon told me he had to leave. Usually I just hang up the phone but this time I waited. I found out that Jaxon doesn't hang up the phone. I sat and listened to all the background noise of the boys. It was quite funny. I am so excited to see them and lil biz and everyone else in 4 days!! WOOT!! Oh and Carson got his hairs cut. Lame, I know! He had my back for so long, telling his parents that he couldn't get his hairs cut because I needed to see it. But, sadly, he sold out....and guess what he sold out for. A bath. Go figure. He could've tried to get candy or a cool toy or something, but a bath? Are you kidding me? Oh well. I guess you just can't count on anyone these days...especially if their dad is Dean.

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