Okay...so I've never been a warthog...just in case you were wondering. But I used to be a young Sara (cause I'm so old) and have been blamed for some things that weren't me. One of these times in particular was when I was like 5 or something. I was playing with some friends and Jacque and Jamie were playing with there friends when someone said "I don't want to go to bed father." Everyone kept saying that it was me that did it. I kept saying that it wasn't me. The other kids wouldn't believe me and kept on say that I said those words. Finally I just succumbed to their pressure and said that I did say those words when in fact I did not. I just said I did to get them off my back. I mean really, what else is a 5ish year old going to do? To this day, I don't think my sisters believe me. I just want to say one more time: IT WAS NOT ME. The end.

The boys were like 4 or 5 too so there voices were just as high as mine.