I still have to do three more posts I believe. That is a problem. I don't know what to write about. Well, actually I only have to think of two more things because I have an idea for one but I am experiencing technical difficulties. Okay, I thought of one.
One time, we made homemade pizza and it was delicious. We had some leftovers and the next day Carli decided that she wanted some. She put it in the microwave, pushed the pizza button (or so she thought..I think she pushed the popcorn button) and left. Needless to say, when she came back it was black...like charcoal and smoky. The entire house stunk the rest of the day and the next day. It reminded me of when my Grandma Carlisle stuck a hot dog in the microwave for about 5 minutes. My Grandpa Carlisle tried it and said that it tasted like shoe leather. Funny! The end!

I love that picture of Grandpa and Grandma.