Okay. From now until I go on my mission, I am going to try and post everyday. If I can't get to the computer one day, I'll post two the next day. Most of these will be memories/funny moments and maybe some will be other stuff and you'll get to see a picture too (it may or may not go with the post but they will be some pictures that I really like). So here is the first post. Today, we (we meaning me, my mom, carli, and peggy) went to the fabric store to look for some fabric for mission shirts and skirts. We were able to find carli and peggy some fabric for swimsuits. On the way home, Carli mentioned that one time she got a hole in the back of her swimsuit at seven peaks water park. I recalled a time the summer after fifth grade and I got to go to shadow mountain. Shadow Mountain is about a week long camp for soon to be sixth graders from the springville/mapleton area. You can understand how important it is to fit in because all of us would be going to school together the next year. One day we were going on a five mile hike. At the end of the hike you could jump in a pond to become part of the polar bear club. It was pretty exciting. So we all were getting ready to go, putting on our swimsuits and such. I was changing into my swimsuit while I was in my sleeping bag. My swimsuit had some sort of picture on the front of it so that made it easy to tell which way was the front. I put my overalls on over that and was ready to go hiking. My swimsuit felt a little weird...it felt too small. I figured it would be okay. So we start hiking and I could tell there was something wrong with my swimsuit. It was giving me way bad wedgies. I had my friend look at it and she said it was on backwards. Oh great...I'm trying to fit in with all these soon to be sixth graders and I was wearing my swimsuit backwards. Go figure. It looked one of those wrestling uniforms that the wrestlers or weight lifters wear..you know..the onesie things. The neckline came just a little too low. Luckily I had my overalls on and I just didn't take them off. I couldn't risk the embarrassment of having put my swimsuit on with the picture on my back. So I became a member of the polar bear club in my overalls. The End.

Me, Joni, and Jamie at the Timpanogos Temple after I took out my endowments.