Me and Jamie had our first real indoor soccer game (I had played some indoor before but this was a real game). I thought it was way fun. I am so glad that we are on a family team because they can't get rid of us. Ha! I have no idea what I am doing with the ball but I can get in the way, that is for sure. It is a good thing I know how to run. The team we played was pretty good I guess. I didn't like the girls though. They weren't very nice. Jamie had an assist in the game, and I almost had one, if I wouldn't have missed the ball. Probably the best thing me and Jamie did during the game was looking like we knew what we were doing. We got the indoor shoes, the shin guards, and the socks. Apparently we have the wrong shorts though. Neil said something about us wearing basketball shorts..I think he was smokin something..I figure that I can be the gangsta soccer player. All in all, I think that E.S.M. united is the best soccer team EVER! Pretty soon we will be pro. Watch for us when we take on Brazil in the next World Cup Championship. Woot Woot!
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