Yesterday we had a soccer game (by we I mean ESM UNITED!) It was such a good one. I think the final score was eleven to five and not only did we win but I scored my first goal ever! It was so awesome. I could hardly believe that it happened. Jamie scored one too. She scored hers first and I decided that I couldn't be shown up by the big sis, so I had to score one too. It was just great. Dave had an amazing one. He scored from the half line. I'm pretty sure that he bended it better than
beckham. It was so cool. I don't remember all who scored but I know Neil and Kami both did. It was just a good game. I wish you could've been there to see it!
I took some pictures but it is so dark in the arena that the pictures don't turn out good. I will keep trying and will eventually get some up!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Mac
Right now I am at Aunt Sue's house using her new Mac. It is huge. I think that the screen is almost as big as her tv...and the picture is better too! I love it. Anyway, I haven't posted for a while so I will update about what has been going on.
On Tuesday last week, E.S.M. UNITED had a soccer game and we actually won! WOOT WOOT! I still haven't scored a goal but I was close again. It was funny cause apparently the other team thought that our team was stacked. We have 3 people that haven't played soccer before. I'm pretty sure that their whole team had played soccer, but I don't know. We are just lucky to have power forward Neilio and the equally skilled Kami on our team. I guess family teams are just the best.
On Friday, we had a game night! It was way fun. We played pounce, pit, and signs. Me and Jamie dominated the competition at pounce. Ka chow! The people that came were Me, Jamie, Alli, Mark, The Marker, Jackson, Karlie Jean, Joe, Elise, Ben, Jayne, Taylor, and I think that was everyone but if I forgot I'm sorry...not like anyone of them besides Juice and Al will read this. I left my phone in the Marker's car and will hopefully get it back tonight or tomorrow. Jamie actually went on a date I guess with the marker and another couple and guess what they ate...El Sol. All I had for dinner was a poptart and leftover potatoes. What is the deal with that? You'd think that since I was working hard, they would have thought to get me something, but alas they did not.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Safety and Security
I decided that I am going to make my blog more protective for myself so starting August 1st, only the people I choose will be able to read it. I decided that it was time to be safe. Sorry about the extra step of signing in. Thanks!
I heart Batman!
I decided that I am going to marry Batman. So there you have it. Last night, (or this morning..take your pick), a group of us went and saw The Dark Knight. It was awesome! I loved it. Christian Bale and Heath Ledger did an amazing job. The joker was such a weirdy. Sometimes he was creepy and other times he was just funny. Me, Alli, and Jamie laughed the most I think. It was a great show. Batman is the best superhero hands down! Even Neil liked it.
Before the show, Tom Essig, Tony Brown, and I went to the celebration center. It was way fun. We rode the skycoaster, the sonic boom, the go-carts many at time, the sky sling, the swinging thing. We also did the shooting range thing and we did the climbing wall. I'll add the pictures a little later cause I need to take a nap.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
SSSSoccer and other tales of adventure
Today E.M.S UNITED had our second soccer game and I must say that I did better. Why might you ask? Because I almost had two goals. One was just off and the other one, the goalie got in the way. Go figure. I had a great time again. We had a few injuries though...Jamie strained her vastus medialis, Mike strained his rectus femoris (yeah..I did take anatomy), Joann strained something too, and Thomas took a ball to the throat...but he was okay. It was crazy. I was tired and I wish Jamie would've been 100% that is for sure. I ate a totino's pizza about 20 minutes before game time. OOPS! That was a big mistake. It was way fun to have a cheering section of Aunt Sue, Grandpa and Grandma Sorenson, and Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary. I forgot my camera but next time, there will be many a picture. Look forward to it.
On Monday we had a great family get together as a going away party for Joni and Rocky. Everyone was there except for Jacque, Dean, and the boys. I sure miss them. But, I definitely had fun. Peggy sure loved little Maddie and Jamie sure loved Jon's Mazda Rx-8. She wants to get one, but I don't think that will happen. I must say that I am lucky cause I get to travel with Joni and Rocky to Ohio..(I almost wrote Idaho)..I bet ya'll are jealous!
Alex, Dave, Me, Spike, Nate
AKA my boys
It was actually their idea to do the nose things.
The past weekend was the Carlisle Family reunion. It was a lot of fun. Joni and Rocky kept steamrolling us while we were all in the tent. In the morning, guess what was for breakfast. My mom brought granola. Yeah..I know. You'd think that we would have bacon and eggs or something but no...granola. I mean seriously, man cannot live by granola alone. Luckily Uncle Dave Carlisle was there to make me some bacon, eggs, and pancakes. They were delicious. I enjoyed it immensely. If you want to look at pictures, go to Joni and Rocky's blog. I forgot my camera yet again.
On Monday we had a great family get together as a going away party for Joni and Rocky. Everyone was there except for Jacque, Dean, and the boys. I sure miss them. But, I definitely had fun. Peggy sure loved little Maddie and Jamie sure loved Jon's Mazda Rx-8. She wants to get one, but I don't think that will happen. I must say that I am lucky cause I get to travel with Joni and Rocky to Ohio..(I almost wrote Idaho)..I bet ya'll are jealous!
On Sunday, Alli Brown and I drove down to Murray to hear my friend Spike speak in church. He is the last of my boys to leave on their missions. It is all bittersweet but mostly sweet. I am going to miss them a ton but they are doing much better things with their lives. Yeah for missionaries!

AKA my boys
It was actually their idea to do the nose things.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The First Indoor Game
Me and Jamie had our first real indoor soccer game (I had played some indoor before but this was a real game). I thought it was way fun. I am so glad that we are on a family team because they can't get rid of us. Ha! I have no idea what I am doing with the ball but I can get in the way, that is for sure. It is a good thing I know how to run. The team we played was pretty good I guess. I didn't like the girls though. They weren't very nice. Jamie had an assist in the game, and I almost had one, if I wouldn't have missed the ball. Probably the best thing me and Jamie did during the game was looking like we knew what we were doing. We got the indoor shoes, the shin guards, and the socks. Apparently we have the wrong shorts though. Neil said something about us wearing basketball shorts..I think he was smokin something..I figure that I can be the gangsta soccer player. All in all, I think that E.S.M. united is the best soccer team EVER! Pretty soon we will be pro. Watch for us when we take on Brazil in the next World Cup Championship. Woot Woot!

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