The flight wasn't too bad except for the descent which made me feel a little queasy after. The Detroit airport was way long. We had to go from one end to the other...I am grateful for moving sidewalks!
Dean came and got us and it happened to be his birthday. We got him a whoopee cushion, a disc gun, and some mountain dew flavored lip balm. We are the best gift givers ever I think. He had a tractor cake (go figure). We got to see Joni and Rocky that night too. It was way fun! I miss them all the days.
It was way rainy pretty much the whole time we were there but it was still fun. We watched a lot of movies, went shopping (got the latest Michigan fashions), had a handstand contest and wheelbarrow races (Jaxon and Carson even lifted me, played sorry and battleship. We watched kung fu panda a few times and carson showed us
his kung fu moves.
My favorite part is when they knock each other over
Kung Fu Carson
Probably one of my favorite things I did was play with nerf gun. The two boys had these disc guns and they were on a team and then I had a six shooter nerf gun. I would run and hide and the boys would try to find me. Usually they wouldn't find me or would walk past me so I would pop out and shoot them with the nerf gun. It was hilarious. Jamie and I also got to ride on a four-wheeler that Dean has for his work (yeah..he gets to ride it at work..lucky). It was Jamie's first time ever riding/driving one...It was way funny....
We even tried to pack the boys into a suitcase. They were willing..but I don't think Jacque would appreciate that...even if our intentions were good.
Spring break was way fun and I'm glad I spent the monies to go! I am definitely excited to go back and see all of them this summer. Here are some of my favorite pictures of the vacation.
I have the cutest nephews EVER!!