Friday, October 31, 2008
Three days...I'M DONE
This is the last day I have to post! YIPPEE! It has been a great day and then the fact that if I choose, I don't ever have to blog again. So today was Halloween. HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Jamie and I were punky pirates..or piratey punks...or punks...or pirates. It was way fun. My most favorite part of my costume was the earrings. They are so cool!! We helped out at Aunt Sue's school with the spook alley. It was so funny. It kinda sounds creepy that I got a kick out of scaring little children but it was hilarious. I got to be a gorilla and stand in a cage and rattle the bars and then after that, I hurried over to a cabinet thing and popped out as the wee ones walked by. It was awesome. I had to leave the spook alley to go to work and I think I had the best costume at work. It definitely has been a good Halloween! How was yours?

Thursday, October 30, 2008
two words: Goal ball. What is it? An olympic sport. How many are on a team? Three. How do you score? Get the ball across the back line. What is the ultimate object? Score more than the other team. How do you stop the other team from scoring? By have a perfectly executed defense. How is it different from other sports? You can't see. And no, I did not make a mistake.... Goal Ball is a paralympic sport for people who are blind. In order to make it fair, each player is blindfolded (because some people are legally blind without glasses but can still see images). In my class, the players were blindfolded, and tried to play this game. For people who rely a lot on sight, taking it away and making us use our other senses was quite funny. The ball has a bell in it and you have to try to listen for it and stop it. It was just way entertaining to watch. I am amazed at the people who actually play this sport for the paralympics. Here is a video so you can get a better idea about what I am talking about. You don't have to watch the whole thing...I didn't.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Cause it's one.......
Only three days left. What to blog about today.........(this is me thinking about what I am going to blog about)...................................oh yeah. I completely forgot about what happened today. For human physiology lab today, guess what we got to do. Analyze our Urine. WOOT WOOT! I don't know about the rest of you but that is something I have been dreaming about for a long time (okay not really. You caught me). So it was way funny and I will tell you why. If you have a weak stomach, you probably shouldn't continue (but you did anyway...well I warned you). So first we had to collect our urine in a cup and pour it into a vial. I don't know why but Jamie had a few problems doing that...it was smooth sailing for me! After the specimen was in the vial, we had to store in in the refrigerator until we were ready to head to school. We had to ride the bus and that is when the laughter started. First Jamie turns to me and says "Guess what I have in my bag." Then we just started laughing. On the way to class we had to stop and put our urine samples in a huge refrigerator thing in order to keep it cool because we had a large break in between the collection process and the analysis. As we walked to the building the lecture is in, I turned to Jamie and said "What if Andy (our professor) started class and said 'I'm sorry to inform you all but all the urine samples have been stolen." Then we started laughing again. There were quite a few other funny things we said to each other throughout the rest of the day. Finally, it was time for lab. We got there and started talking and comparing each of our urine samples. Mine was pretty much clear. I made sure to drink tons of water before I went to sleep last night. Jamie's was a little more yellow (and by a little I mean a lot). The lab was pretty interesting actually. I found that mine was negative. Pretty much that means nothing is wrong and you are a healthy individual. If you haven't had a chance to analyze your own urine, I would suggest doing so. I think everyone should participate in the tinkle lab at least once in their life.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Only four more to go! YES!
It has been very difficult to post everyday. Luckily I actually did something different so I have something to blog about. Last night we had an FHE halloween party. It wasn't my most favorite halloween party ever but me and Jamie sure looked mmm...mmmm...good. We were 1920s baywatch babes. OH YEAH! We would've looked good in that time period.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Back in the Library again
I think this will be the third post that I have done in the library. I am glad that the library lets me access the internet in order to ease the pains of boredom. I have decided that I really enjoy making lists so here is what I am going to blog about...
11 Things I have learned in college:
1. Studying is really important.
2. Friends are fun but your family is way better because they will always be there for ya. For example, I have changed friends every year since I was a sophie in high school...My family has stayed the same..go figure
3. Money is a very important but finite commodity. SAVE IT ALL!!!
4. The more you put into something, the more you'll get out of it (like a bank account...or life..)
5. Sleep is one of the best things ever invented
6. Don't procrastinate! Get it done early and then you won't have to worry about your printer breaking the day your paper is due!
7. You pick up things from the people you are with day after day..choose who they are wisely!!
8. It's okay to fail as long as you learn from it and do better the next time
9. Don't worry about making other people happy, just make yourself happy. If you are happy, usually others will follow
10. Every bad day you choose to have is a good day that has been wasted. Remember the good and replace the bad
11. Beware of Valsalva's Maneuver (just for you juice...just for you..)
There you have it! The wisdom of a third year college student written in ten basic things..it is amazing that it my all knowledge could be compiled into something so short.
Coming soon to a blog near you: a things not to do list...it will be epic!
11 Things I have learned in college:
1. Studying is really important.
2. Friends are fun but your family is way better because they will always be there for ya. For example, I have changed friends every year since I was a sophie in high school...My family has stayed the same..go figure
3. Money is a very important but finite commodity. SAVE IT ALL!!!
4. The more you put into something, the more you'll get out of it (like a bank account...or life..)
5. Sleep is one of the best things ever invented
6. Don't procrastinate! Get it done early and then you won't have to worry about your printer breaking the day your paper is due!
7. You pick up things from the people you are with day after day..choose who they are wisely!!
8. It's okay to fail as long as you learn from it and do better the next time
9. Don't worry about making other people happy, just make yourself happy. If you are happy, usually others will follow
10. Every bad day you choose to have is a good day that has been wasted. Remember the good and replace the bad
11. Beware of Valsalva's Maneuver (just for you juice...just for you..)
There you have it! The wisdom of a third year college student written in ten basic things..it is amazing that it my all knowledge could be compiled into something so short.
Coming soon to a blog near you: a things not to do list...it will be epic!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Ideal Sunday Din
My wish for each sunday is to have the Ideal Sunday Dinner. Sometimes I don't get my ideal sunday din but that is okay because usually it is delicious anyway. But, for those of you who don't know what it is, I am so sorry for you. This is what it consists of: Mashed potatoes, brown gravy, corn, rolls, and usually some other vegetable like broccoli, cabbage, squash, etc. It is so delicious. My favorite is when my mother dearest makes it! YUMMO!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Another 8 things
8 Things
8 T.V shows I love to watch:
1. The Office
2. Survivor
3. Prison Break
5. Jazz Games
6. Hannah Montana
7. Rob & Big
8. I Love Lucy
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Costa Vida
2. El Toro Viejo
3. El Sol
4. Juniper Takeout
5. Hogi Yogi
6. The Factory Pizzeria
7. Mandarin Garden
8. Coldstone (that can be considered a restaurant right?)
8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Increase my knowledge
2. Lifted some furniture
3. Watched Disturbia
4. Got on Facebook
5. Posted on my blog
6. Woke up earlier than I wanted
7. Went to bed later than I wanted
8. Ate some fruit snacks
8 things I am looking forward to:
1. Graduating
2. Taking flag football again
3. Intramurals
4. Snowboarding
5. Christmas with my family
6. My new niecew (I don't know what it is yet...Niece..nephew...who knows...)
7. The dragster at Cedar point
8. Making another music video
8 things I love about fall:
1. walking through the leaves
2. When Jamie drives through the leaves
3. Jackets
4. Piling on the blankets at night
5. Sitting by the fire at Aunt Sue's
6. The leaves
7. Logan Canyon
8. It means snowboarding is coming!!
8 things on my wish list:
1. Snowboard boots
2. Snowboard bindings
3. new snowboarding coat
4. New snowboarding pants
5. White Oakley A Frame goggles
6. Columbia black softshell jacket
7. Monies for snowboarding
8. Laughter all the time
8 people I tag:
1. The
2. People
3. I
4. Can
5. Tag
6. Have
7. Been
8. Taken (but if you weren't tagged by someone already, then I tag you!)
8 T.V shows I love to watch:
1. The Office
2. Survivor
3. Prison Break
5. Jazz Games
6. Hannah Montana
7. Rob & Big
8. I Love Lucy
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Costa Vida
2. El Toro Viejo
3. El Sol
4. Juniper Takeout
5. Hogi Yogi
6. The Factory Pizzeria
7. Mandarin Garden
8. Coldstone (that can be considered a restaurant right?)
8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Increase my knowledge
2. Lifted some furniture
3. Watched Disturbia
4. Got on Facebook
5. Posted on my blog
6. Woke up earlier than I wanted
7. Went to bed later than I wanted
8. Ate some fruit snacks
8 things I am looking forward to:
1. Graduating
2. Taking flag football again
3. Intramurals
4. Snowboarding
5. Christmas with my family
6. My new niecew (I don't know what it is yet...Niece..nephew...who knows...)
7. The dragster at Cedar point
8. Making another music video
8 things I love about fall:
1. walking through the leaves
2. When Jamie drives through the leaves
3. Jackets
4. Piling on the blankets at night
5. Sitting by the fire at Aunt Sue's
6. The leaves
7. Logan Canyon
8. It means snowboarding is coming!!
8 things on my wish list:
1. Snowboard boots
2. Snowboard bindings
3. new snowboarding coat
4. New snowboarding pants
5. White Oakley A Frame goggles
6. Columbia black softshell jacket
7. Monies for snowboarding
8. Laughter all the time
8 people I tag:
1. The
2. People
3. I
4. Can
5. Tag
6. Have
7. Been
8. Taken (but if you weren't tagged by someone already, then I tag you!)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Do you remember?
Last night, Jamie was playing 80's music again and I was reminded of a dance move that me and my older sisters would always do. I just have one question for you, Joni and Jacque, Do you remember doing this?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So there is this game called rollercoaster tycoon and I love it. Last year I tried to install in on my computer and it never worked. But a couple days ago I decided I would give it one more chance. It worked and my life became one step closer to being complete. It was pretty much the best day of my life. Sometimes it gets hard though cause I have to limit myself. Going to school and having rollercoaster tycoon on the computer does not equal A's. But no worries..Jamie is here to help keep me on track (unless she starts playing...muah ha ha ha!) This is the current level I am on. WOOT WOOT!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Days off
I absolutely love it when I have a day off from work. Today I got to go chill with my friends Kasey and Jake. We drove Kasey's new '09 mazda 3 and got jamba juice. She has such a nice car. I am jealous a little. It was a good time. And then I came home and studied some and then me and Juicy went shopping (and by shopping I mean looking), listened and watched awesome 80's music videos and played some ball. It was great. Oh and we learned some really sweet dance moves from the 80's music vids that I'm pretty sure will get us all the guys. If you want to see them, you'll have to wait until we do another music video I think..or maybe I'll feel like showing you one day.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Paint Dance
This week is Utah State's homecoming week. To start if off, there was a paint dance. It was fun. I wish Jamie would have come but oh well. It took me about an hour and all the hot water to get the paint out of my hair. It was awesome! Here is what happened to me:

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Mysterious beeping noise
There is a mysterious beeping noise in the projects and by "the projects" I mean the house I am living in. It keeps going off and Jamie is going crazy because she can't tell where to find it. I think that it may be coming from a smoke detector but who knows. We have a poltergeist television, so we could have a poltergeist beeping noise too. The mystery continues....
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Music Vid!
So I can't upload the music video to blogger because I am only allowed 110 MB and the video is 110 MG. So, if you want to see it, you'll have to check my facebook. It will be called Viva La Vida! For those of you who don't have facebook, I will try to send it to you so if you want it so let me know. Also, there is an earlier production, which is my first music video on facebook. It is called apologize. That one is a good one to watch too!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Almost Missed
I considered missing today but then I decided that I could blog real quick..as long as "sir hiss" (the home computer) doesn't crash and turn off on me. Today Jamie, Peggy, Carli, and I made a music video. I will be editing it and posting it tomorrow if all goes according to plan. Be excited..be very excited!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Rock Star!
It is fall break and I am HOME!! It is so great and I get to be here for three more days! WOOT WOOT! Okay, so today, me, carli, and peggy played guitar hero. Not only were we acting like rock stars, but we looked like rock stars! It was way fun! We're going to try to make a music video tomorrow with our rock star outfits! Look out Gene Simmons cause here we come!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Jamba Juice
After about two days of waiting, I finally got my Pink Star Jamba with the daily vitamin boost. It tastes like a pink starburst! Not only is it so delicious, I also get 22 essential daily vitamins. What more could anyone ask for? WOOT! I get it everytime I go which has been about 4 in my whole life. If you haven't tried it, you should and if you ever need a jamba buddy, let me know!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Corn Maze
I went to a corn maze for the first time in my life. It was way fun. We went with a big group but me and mike got separated and we totally were the first ones out. It only took us about 45 minutes! And when I called the others, were way far back. I was so proud of us. At one point there was a big barrel by the side and as we were walking up to it, I saw about six girls hide in it. So I quietly walked up and said "RRAAAWWRRR" in my scariest voice and they all screamed in their high girly screams..haha! It was way funny. Probably the highlight except for the fact that it didn't take super long. Now I want to go when it is haunted..DUN DUN DUN!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Here's the deal
So I was thinking...I have worked way hard to update my blog but all of my other favorite bloggers (except for Joni) have not update their blogs for a while. I know I brought this goal of a post everyday in October on myself, and sometimes I really regret it, but I would really appreciate it if everyone else updated theirs. So I think tomorrow (tuesday) if you read this message, you should update your blog. As you can see, it doesn't have to be anything real neat cause mine sure aren't but I just want to know what is going on. Even if you have to do a random post about nothing (which was one of my favorites to write by the way)..just do it. So PUHLEEZE update! Thanks a bunch.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Baby, it's cold outside
IT IS SNOWING IN LOGAN...well...it has been. It is not even the middle of october and it is snowing. Maybe snowboard season will come early this year. Too bad I don't have any monies.
Logan weather is so interesting. I have come to the conclusion that the seasons go like this:
Summersummersummersummer fall winterwinterwinterwinterwinter springspring summer....
I hope it warms up cause I don't really want to play flag football in the snow but if I must, I must.
Here are some pictures of the cool things I discovered I could do with my computer and my camera! YIPPEE!

Summersummersummersummer fall winterwinterwinterwinterwinter springspring summer....
I hope it warms up cause I don't really want to play flag football in the snow but if I must, I must.
Here are some pictures of the cool things I discovered I could do with my computer and my camera! YIPPEE!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sittin in the back of the bus
When I ride the bus, I like to watch people. It sounds kinda creepy but people are interesting. The other day there were two high school girls on the bus. They looked like they could be about 16 or 17. They were watching a little baby that was being held by its mother. One of the girls said "She's way cute. I just want to have a baby." The other girl said, "Why don't you?" And the first girl replied, "I can't find a guy..well, a guy that would stay with me after." ...In my head I was thinking, "are you crazy? you are way too young to have a kid. That would completely ruin your high school life." It is amazing to me how society is. These young girls already want to have kids. There is no way I want to have to deal with a kid. There are way too many things that I want to do and that I need to do before I even entertain thoughts about having a baby. I definitely don't want one at this time in my life. My cutest nephews and little cousins (second cousins, my cousin's kids, whatever you want to call them) are good enough for me! I wonder what those girls really think. Sure, babies are fun until they start crying but at least you can give them back to their parents. Sometimes I wonder if a good birth control technique would be to give the girls a baby for a week or so if they really want to have one. They would have to take care of it for the whole week. No daycare, no babysitters, not outside help. It would be interesting to see if they would still want one or if they would decide that a baby isn't right for them at that time in their life. Sometimes people are just crazy...no I take it back...sometimes people are just without the gospel!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
It's getting harder and harder....
Man..writing everyday is very challenging. It is hard to think of stuff to write about. Coming up with new and interesting topics is difficult. I pretty much have the same routine everyday and I don't think you want to read about school and work because it really isn't too exciting. I guess one thing that was cool was I found out in my physiology lab that it takes me five and a half minutes to coagulate. I had to cut my self and time how long it took for the platelet plug to form. It took Jamie like six or six and a half minutes. I was so proud of myself for being able to coagulate faster than Juice. Ha Ha! I'm pretty sure that I am the fastest coagulator in my family but I guess to really determine that, I'd need a blood pressure cuff, a lot of surgicutts, and the round cottony paper thing that is used to soak up the blood. If any of you have those, let me know ASAP! It is muy importante para mi vida! I guess I could always look at D.I!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
E.M.S. United
We had a soccer game again tonight and we won! WOOT WOOT! It was a tough game cause us girls (me, jamie, and joann) didn't have any subs until almost the end of the first half until thankfully the amazing Kami arrived! The game was a lot closer than it should've been. We'd get a good lead going at the beginning of each half but toward the end we would just get tired! Jamie scored a goal again, Joann also scored, I had a lot of shots on goal but none of them seemed to find the back. I had two assists though so that was cool. I helped Jamie get her goal so we had the sorenson sister 1-2 punch going. It was way fun. I'm so glad that we have Neils and Dave on our team. Dave had some way awesome saves including a couple of diving ones. I am have so much fun playing on the team and definitely think that we are a lot better than we were when we first started. Hopefully next week we will have more subs! GO E.M.S. UNITED!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I just like sweats
Ya know how when girls usually see something they like that another person is wearing they say stuff like "oh I really like her shoes" or "that is a way cute shirt," well today in volleyball before class started a girl walked in and I turned to my friend and said "I really like her sweats." Who says that?! Apparently I do. My friend just laughed at me. I guess girls usually don't make comments about sweats but I do all the time...and I make comment about basketball shorts too. Good luck guessing what my favorite articles of clothing are.
Later today I got to see one of my friends who I haven't seen for over a year! His name is Mike Frame. It was way fun. We went and got coldstone ice cream (cake batter with reese's and marshmallow creme..yummo). It was fun to catch up and I got free coldstone ice cream. In fact, that was pretty much my only real date for a long time.
Later today I got to see one of my friends who I haven't seen for over a year! His name is Mike Frame. It was way fun. We went and got coldstone ice cream (cake batter with reese's and marshmallow creme..yummo). It was fun to catch up and I got free coldstone ice cream. In fact, that was pretty much my only real date for a long time.
Monday, October 6, 2008
What are we going to do tonight? The same thing we do every night...
...Try to take over the world! Mwah ha ha ha! Funny story...Jamie and I were sitting at Grandpa and Grandma C's kitchen table with Carli Sue. I don't know how it got started but we told Carli that we were trying to take over the world. We said we had computers in the basement we got at D.I. and they were constantly working, tracking number patterns, and doing all sorts of scientific stuff. We also said that one computer was focused only the economy and the stock market. The computers were finding patterns in the stock market and will let us know the exact moment to invest all our monies. We also told her we had an experimental table with beakers, test tubes, and such that we also got from..guess where..The D.I. We were running tests with our beakers and were figuring out the best method to take over the world. Carli, being the non-believer, asked "Do you have any extra uranium around?" And I being the witty girl I am said, "We don't do anything with nuclear materials." And Jamie, the clever girl she is, said, "Yeah, we don't want to spill a drop and have an explosion." That was the jist of the conversation. Later on, Jamie and I realized that Carli was gone. She went over to our house to check in the basement to see if we had the computers and the test table. It was really funny! The End!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The weekend
This past weekend was general conference. It was a pretty good weekend other than I missed the saturday afternoon session because of work. That was a major bummer! I didn't want to be working at all! My parentals and the two little ones made there way up to L-town. It was so good to see them! I really enjoyed the talks in the first session of conference. They were way good.
Sunday was such a great day! I was able to sleep in for once and just have a nice day to listen to the leaders of the church and spend time with my family. We (by we, I mean me and Jamie) went over to watch conference with my family at Grandpa and Grandpa S's house. After that, the extended family, minus a few, all got together for lunch. It was fun to have everyone together for those couple hours. After lunch, my family and I made our way over to Grandpa and Grandma C's to watch the last session of conference. I am grateful for the messages that were shared and I can't wait to read them again when the ensign comes out. (I admit, I slept through a couple...their voices are just too soothing). It was a pretty good weekend!
Sunday was such a great day! I was able to sleep in for once and just have a nice day to listen to the leaders of the church and spend time with my family. We (by we, I mean me and Jamie) went over to watch conference with my family at Grandpa and Grandpa S's house. After that, the extended family, minus a few, all got together for lunch. It was fun to have everyone together for those couple hours. After lunch, my family and I made our way over to Grandpa and Grandma C's to watch the last session of conference. I am grateful for the messages that were shared and I can't wait to read them again when the ensign comes out. (I admit, I slept through a couple...their voices are just too soothing). It was a pretty good weekend!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tales of wonder..filled with excitement!
So, yesterday I pretty much had the best day of my life. I got home from school and I was hungry. I didn't really want to make anything so I just pulled out my unopened box of cereal. I looked at the box and saw that there was a FREE ADVENTURE SPOON INSIDE! It was an indiana jones box by the way. I opened the box up and there it was! My free adventure spoon! I must say eating that particular bowl of frosted flakes with my spoon was quite an adventure. It even has a button to make a red light turn on and off. Heck yes!
And I put a video on youtube.com. It is called Devil in Blue. It is kinda hard to find so if you search it in quotations, that makes it easier. Or you can search for videos posted by Bazookajan cause that's me. Watch it! Neils says that I will be a youtube celebrity so the more hits I have, the better!
Friday, October 3, 2008
What if....
I have come to the conclusion that it would be amazing if I could find something to blog about everyday in October. I know, I know, you all are thinking, "But Sara, you missed October 1st." I decided that since October has 31 days, Missing one day is just fine because other months only have 30 days. In fact, I could actually miss 2 more days because February only has 28. Awesome! This seemingly impossible task is becoming more and more feasible by the moment. Two Days down, only 28 more to go!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It's not too late to apologize!
I must apologize because I lied to you...Jamie doesn't really think that cheddar cheese is gross. She only thinks it is gross when I eat cheddar cheese slices, cubes, blocks, etc. ..that's all. Sorry for deceiving you all!
I just want to write
I don't really have a reason for writing..just that I want to write. Sometimes I just feel a need to update my blog. The question is, what should I write about? Nothing super cool has been happening...well, that's a lie because my life is super cool in and of itself. I should have said nothing new has been happening. I am enjoying school which is good I guess. I am way sad though cause my flag football class is ending in a couple weeks and besides the couple injuries, I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I can honestly say that it is pretty much the best class of my life!! Work has been going good. My team actually has been working so the entire back area is clear! YAHOO! It has been a long time coming..hopefully it will stay that way or heads are possibly going to roll. Alright...I just want to make a list...I don't know what this list will be about exactly but it will be a list. Here goes:
I really want it to snow but only in the mountains, I love to each chocolate covered raisins and I could go for some right now, I hate it when people bail out on me, Sometimes I feel the need to just do something crazy, I am hungry, I love the movie Iron man and I can't wait for The Dark Knight, The toothpaste I have leaves a funny taste in my mouth and I don't like it very much, I really wish I could have a Great Dane right now, I think I was born to be a soccer player, I hate it when guys say that girls can't do something..(like one time I lifted this desk that wasn't very heavy and the guys I was bringing it to said "you shouldn't do that by yourself" and it bothered me because no one ever says it to the guys)..I will prove you wrong one way or another, I wish I could be a pirate or a ninja, Jamie thinks cheddar cheese is gross but I love it, I want to play a game, I actually don't mind doing the laundry..I just hate hanging the clothes back up, sometimes I hear songs that make me feel like my I.Q. dropped when it was over, I am excited to be an auntie again, I miss Joni and Rocky and Jacque and Dean and Jaxon and Carson all the days of my life, Sometimes I have to help Jamie spell priority, and finally I love my family so much and they are my most favorite family EVER!
I really want it to snow but only in the mountains, I love to each chocolate covered raisins and I could go for some right now, I hate it when people bail out on me, Sometimes I feel the need to just do something crazy, I am hungry, I love the movie Iron man and I can't wait for The Dark Knight, The toothpaste I have leaves a funny taste in my mouth and I don't like it very much, I really wish I could have a Great Dane right now, I think I was born to be a soccer player, I hate it when guys say that girls can't do something..(like one time I lifted this desk that wasn't very heavy and the guys I was bringing it to said "you shouldn't do that by yourself" and it bothered me because no one ever says it to the guys)..I will prove you wrong one way or another, I wish I could be a pirate or a ninja, Jamie thinks cheddar cheese is gross but I love it, I want to play a game, I actually don't mind doing the laundry..I just hate hanging the clothes back up, sometimes I hear songs that make me feel like my I.Q. dropped when it was over, I am excited to be an auntie again, I miss Joni and Rocky and Jacque and Dean and Jaxon and Carson all the days of my life, Sometimes I have to help Jamie spell priority, and finally I love my family so much and they are my most favorite family EVER!
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